i was inspired by Wani Juaneh's entry (nk tengok kat sini) the other day, when she created an entry just to show how much she loved her friends and surprisingly I'm in it..!! wahh bangga!!, than it suddenly intrigued me to make the same entry just to show how much i love my friends as well..(thanks ye wa.. huhu)..it actually already came into my senses few weeks ago, tp Wani Jauneh dah buat dulu...than i have to ask for her permission to do the same entry as hers.
then it take me few days to came out with few ideas and to gather enough info plus pictures so that my entry will be lot meaningful than wani jauneh..hehe
FYI, I'm a bit different from others in school, so it is a big matters to me if people really accept me just the way I am..that make me appreciate my friends a little bit more..(oowh guys I love u so much) for me they mold me to be what I am today, they revolved around me & they are actually part of my world.. its kindda hard for me to accept the reality that we're no going to spend any precious moment again..ishhisshh..
here are few of my precious friends that
(in no particular order)
Nur Hazreen a.k.a EpinErin
Siti Sarah a.k.a Sarah Seychang
Amila a.k.a Lamila Bayu
Kartika Malini a.k.a Kaykay Debok
Ummu a.k.a Nakuyah Soler
Ummu a.k.a Nakuyah Soler
Wani Jauneh a.k.a Wawa UriUri
Rosila a.k.a Roselle
Aida a.k.a Jiji
Ezad Hadi a.k.a Ejad Kola
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akak erin - last moment study kt McD |
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kat atas bukit St Paul |
ni pulak Sarah, a.k.a minah internasenel dr indon..hehehe xla die dr seremban..she is one of my bestie..die pon sgt la sporting and mamahami sgt walupun kadang2 die suke wat lawak stupid yg kadang2 saye pon xpaham.. (: pantang je disuapkan dengan idea mula lah die imagine and mengarut..almost sume kerja kumpulan @ assignment kami buat bersame..kami juge always ber gossip bersame..kmai mmg rapat samapai kn ade yg kate kami ne bercouple..hello! hehehe we're just best friends..mmg she is one of a kind la..sarah..i miss you so much..
Mila.. |
sape lg kurus ecece... |
this is KayKay
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kuat makan budget kurus..huhu |
meet Nakuyah Soler, or ummu in short, kami kenal dari 5 tahun yg lalu, wahh tup tup dah 5 tahun, it started when kami same2 amik diploma kat sarawak dulu, bile dapat degree same, mmg happening sbb dulu saye xde kawan sgt pon kat sini,ummu ni kadang2 jadi tempat saye luah kan perasaan, whenever sakit hati ke hape ke, i will call her and start to cry..ishish..die akan dengar sebaik mungkin, but sometimes xmembantu pon die tu hati batu..hahaha tp she is still my best friends, yela we've known for almost 5 years ye.. plus kami same tua..hehe love u ummu nakuyah soler..
we both are gorgy kn.. (: |
ni pulak Wawa UriUri, die sgt la sporting and happening, tp satu je saye sgt cemburu die ade suare yg sangat sedap sampai kan die berangan die adalah jelmaan Yuna dikelahiran semula...hahaha macam tambhi la pulak ade kelahiran semula..tp sayang nye lately je kami baru nk rapat, but still i consider her as one of my bestest friends..teringat pulak mase kami karok di Jeti, mendaki Broga blah...blah...ooowwh how i feel so frustrated sbb xdapat spent mase labih lagi bersama..she's truly one of a kind..wa i love you too...
ni la Roselle.. |
'mujur bwk gincu, buruk bena ke aku ni?' bile
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peace! |
hehe sweet kn Ezad Hadi.. |
this is ezad hadi @ Ejad Kola...comel kan name die..heheh zad sorry ye...die ni padahal dr satu kampus kat sarawak dulu tp xpenah tegor pon time kat melake ni baru la kenal...die sgt baik n memahami sgt kadang saye slalu jgk meluah kan perasaan kat die...tp bile bab meluah kan perasaan ni mmg die sgt pakar,...heheh hphone saye xpenah lekang dr msg ezad hadi meluah kan perasaan nye..eheh maaf zad..tp that's what friends for kan..tolong satu same lain & try to confort satu same lain, teringat bile saye xcident, ezad la yg datang membantu..thanks ezad...sgt baik org nye xpenah kate tidak bile bab nak menolong kawan2..zad..miss you la..
love u guys,
to be continued..